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A Leader’s Guide to Reading and Writing in a PLC at Work®, Elementary

Confidently lead literacy improvement in your professional learning community (PLC). Aligned to the Every Teacher Is a Literacy Teacher series, this results-focused guide outlines how to take urgent action to address deficiencies and increase literacy rates. Learn how to bring a new level of focus to your teacher teams and help them do the important daily work of ensuring every student successfully reads and writes at or beyond grade level.


  • Understand the importance and goals of literacy-focused instruction in an elementary setting.
  • Gain specific suggestions for four types of leaders: (1) district, (2) school, (3) coach, and (4) teacher.
  • Help collaborative teams emphasize literacy knowledge and reading and writing skills in a curriculum’s essential standards.
  • Create effective data-inquiry practices that inform team decision-making for those who require additional support or extension.
  • Facilitate high-quality literacy instruction using the gradual release of responsibility framework.
  • Develop equity in literacy instructional strategies to ensure growth and development for all.

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A Leader’s Guide to Reading and Writing in a PLC at Work®, Elementary

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Table of Contents

Introduction: Leaders of Literacy
Chapter 1: Establish Clarity About Student Learning Expectations
Chapter 2: Examine Assessment Options for Literacy
Chapter 3: Create a Learning Progression to Guide Instruction and Assessment
Chapter 4: Develop Collective Understanding of Learning Expectations
Chapter 5: Respond to Student Data to Ensure All Students Learn
Chapter 6: Design Lessons Using the Gradual Release of Responsibility Instructional Framework
Chapter 7: Plan for High-Quality Instruction in Literacy
Chapter 8: Select Appropriate Instructional Strategies
Chapter 9: Consider Equity in Literacy
Appendix A: Reference Points, Templates, and Tools
Appendix B: List of Figures and Tables



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Appendix A

Suggested Resource


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