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Growing Global Digital Citizens

Better Practices That Build Better Learners

By: Lee Crockett, Andrew Churches

Empower your students to become global digital citizens who effectively and ethically contribute to the digital world around them.

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Format: Paperback

Growing Global Digital Citizens

This practical guide explores how to transform education through the concept of global digital citizenship (GDC). Embraced by thousands of schools, GDC practices empower students to effectively and ethically participate in and contribute to the digital world around them. The authors provide a clear path for establishing a GDC program in your school and ensuring your students grow into considerate, respectful, and responsible global citizens.

  • Discover the characteristics of global digital citizens and what these citizens stand for.
  • Consider the limitations of conventional acceptable-use policies and instead embrace ethically driven digital citizenship agreements.
  • Learn how to address the various stakeholder communities involved in developing students into global digital citizens.
  • Use tools and rubrics for gauging the effectiveness and progress of your global digital citizenship practices.
  • Complete global digital citizenship assessment frameworks.
  • Review digital citizenship agreements for students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, as well as for professionals and the wider community.

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Additional Information

Product Code: BKF786

ISBN: 9781945349119

Published By: Solution Tree

“In 21st century schools and in the age of BYOD, connectivity for students to a local, national, and global tsunami of information make it critical that awareness, knowledge, and digital stewardship are at the forefront of an educator’s work. In their latest book, Lee Crockett and Andrew Churches provide a road map for school communities to help students commit to global digital citizenship. This is a must-read for the modern school principal.”

Simon Vaughan, principal, Melrose High School, Australia

“This groundbreaking book is an exciting and fresh discussion of the dynamic responsibilities inherent to living in an ever-smaller global village, where respect for the planet and its inhabitants is as important as more iconic digital citizenship topics like privacy and social media.”

Jacqui Murray, owner of AskATechTeacher.com

“Throughout this book, Lee and Andrew provide the why and how for schools, teachers, and parents to foster positive digital thinking in our students. By establishing student-centered guidelines, building staff capacity, teaching and modeling, and furthering family education, Lee and Andrew share that it is not just about digital; the learning behind respect and responsibility make our students better global citizens.”

Craig Cantlie, principal, Caulfeild Elementary School (iDEC), British Columbia, and founder, TEDxWestVancouverED

“As educators, we cannot afford to put our heads in the sand and pretend that our learners need not engage in the technological world. Through this book, Lee Watanabe Crockett and Andrew Churches will provoke you with contemporary thought and approaches about how to embrace digital technologies as part of our students’ world. They meet this challenge head on with an approach to nurturing our students that focuses on developing their individual and collective senses of responsibility and ethical behavior. This book provides a user-friendly framework for teachers and school leaders to work collaboratively with students and their community to enhance learning as global digital citizens.”

Marcus Knill, principal consultant, Department of Education and Child Development, Australia

“This is a comprehensive and fresh approach to incorporating digital devices and the Internet into the global learning environment. It should be part of every teacher’s library.”

“Featuring an eleven-page listing of references and resources, as well as a three-page index, Growing Global Digital Citizens is unreservedly recommended for college and university library educational policy and practices collections.”